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Police commissioner's son enrolled in academy

PHILADELPHIA If real life were anything like the TV show Blue Bloods, rookie Police Officer Charles Ramsey Jr. might soon be a major player in solving every major crime in town.

PHILADELPHIA If real life were anything like the TV show

Blue Bloods,

rookie Police Officer Charles Ramsey Jr. might soon be a major player in solving every major crime in town.

Ramsey, 27, a graduate of Pennsylvania State University, is enrolled in the Philadelphia Police Academy. In an interview this week, his father, Police Commissioner Charles H. Ramsey, was modest about the role he played in his son's decision to become a Philadelphia police officer.

As a staffer with the city Probation Department, the younger Ramsey has been working with the juvenile enforcement team, composed of police and probation officers, which focuses on some of the most dangerous youthful offenders.

"I guess he caught the bug somewhat from that," his father said. "Being around me probably played a little bit of a role."

Once his son graduates in June, Ramsey will assign him to one of the tougher districts so he can learn the job the right way, he said.

Ramsey said he was very proud that his son, his only child, chose the Philadelphia force.

"There is no way in the world I would let my son become part of an organization that I didn't have 100 percent faith in," Ramsey said. - Mike Newall