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Air France releases nationalities of Flight 447

Press release N° 5

Air France is now able to confirm the nationalities of the passengers who were on board flight AF 447 on 31 May 2009, which disappeared between Rio de Janeiro and Paris-Charles de Gaulle. This list is based on the information provided by the Brazilian Authorities.

  1. 2 American

  2. 1 Argentinian

  3. 1 Austrian

  4. 1 Belgian

  5. 58 Brazilian

  6. 5 British

  7. 1 Canadian

  8. 9 Chinese

  9. 1 Croatian

  10. 1 Danish

  11. 1 Dutch

  12. 1 Estonian

  13. 1 Filipino

  14. 61 French

  15. 1 Gambian

  16. 26 German

  17. 4 Hungarian

  18. 3 Irish

  19. 1 Icelandic

  20. 9 Italian

  21. 5 Lebanese

  22. 2 Moroccan

  23. 3 Norwegians

  24. 2 Polish

  25. 1 Romanian

  26. 1 Russian

  27. 3 Slovakian

  28. 1 South African

  29. 1 Swedish

  30. 6 Swiss

  31. 1 Turkish

Air France expresses its deepest sympathy to the relatives and friends of the passengers and crew who were on board this flight.

Air France is doing its utmost to provide support to relatives and friends: counselling with physicians and psychologists as well as specially trained Air France volunteers has been set up at the airports of Paris-Charles de Gaulle 2 and Rio de Janeiro.

Air France has also established a special toll-free number for the attention of relatives and friends of passengers who may have been on board. They can use this number to obtain information on whether or not a member of their family or friends was on board.

Phone number reserved for relatives and friends:
0800 800 812 in France,
0800 881 20 20 in Brazil,
and + 33 1 57 02 10 55 for calls from all other countries.

Air France will release further information as soon as it is available.

NB: We ask journalists not to call this number, which is reserved for relatives and close friends.