Catholic Church clergy sex abuse: Read the full grand jury report
The 884-page report covers the Catholic dioceses of Pittsburgh, Allentown, Erie, Greensburg, Harrisburg, and Scranton.

A redacted version of the long-awaited grand jury report alleging decades of sexual abuse and cover-ups by Roman Catholic officials across the state was released Tuesday.
The 1,356-page document is the culmination of the Pa. Attorney General Office's investigation into seven decades of allegations of sexual abuse by Catholic priests in the dioceses of Pittsburgh, Allentown, Erie, Greensburg, Harrisburg, and Scranton. The two other Pennsylvanian Catholic dioceses of Philadelphia and Altoona-Johnstown were also investigated in recent years.
More coverage
Hundreds of priests named in grand jury report | Grand jury: A child porn ring in Pittsburgh diocese | Report says cover-up began at the top | Dozens of pages shielded from public | Maria Panaritis: Thank the law, not the Men of God | Victim: 'It's your word against God's' | Key findings from each diocese | How the Allentown diocese dealt with an abuser | John Baer: Questions in wake of the report
In the report, the grand jury said the two-year investigation uncovered credible allegations of sexual abuse by over 300 priests, with thousands of victims.
The judge overseeing the grand jury ordered this report released in June. But about two dozen current and former clergy named in the report succeeded in blocking its release, claiming it would violate their rights to due process and reputation. On July 27, the Pa. Supreme Court ordered the report's release by Tuesday, with identifying information about those clergy petitioners redacted in the meantime, while the court considers their claims.
Section I — Introduction
Section II — The Dioceses
Section III — The Church and Child Abuse, Past and Present
Section IV — Recommendations of the Grand Jury
Section V — Appendix of Offenders
Responses included in the report:
>> READ THE FULL REPORT: 40th Statewide Investigating Grand Jury Report (interim, redacted)