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Corzine's recovery called better than expected

TRENTON - Gov. Corzine met with his doctors yesterday and was told he was making better-than-expected progress in his recovery from serious injuries suffered in an April 12 car crash, a spokesman said.

TRENTON - Gov. Corzine met with his doctors yesterday and was told he was making better-than-expected progress in his recovery from serious injuries suffered in an April 12 car crash, a spokesman said.

The governor broke a leg, 11 ribs, his collarbone and sternum, and had other injuries. He spent 18 days at Cooper University Hospital in Camden. Corzine resumed his duties on Monday, working from the governor's mansion in Princeton, where exercise equipment has been installed to help him with physical therapy.

Yesterday, he met with doctors, including Steven Ross, head of the trauma unit at Cooper, and Robert Ostrum, the orthopedic trauma surgery director, for what was described as a routine post-hospitalization examination. - AP