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Trooper sex charges are denied

CLIFTON, N.J. - A lawyer representing one of seven state troopers suspended with pay over a woman's claim that they sexually assaulted her called the allegations "absurd" yesterday.

CLIFTON, N.J. - A lawyer representing one of seven state troopers suspended with pay over a woman's claim that they sexually assaulted her called the allegations "absurd" yesterday.

"What we're saying is that there were adults engaged in consensual adult activities," Charles J. Sciarra said. "The suggestion that these were nonconsensual activities is absurd. It simply did not happen."

He said "every single one" of the troopers involved "were stunned at the suggestion that there was some nonconsensual activity."

Sciarra, who did not identify his client or any of the other troopers, provided few details about the alleged assault, which is said to have occurred early Dec. 7.

The woman later sought treatment at a local hospital, which notified authorities.

He said the troopers were socializing at KatManDu, a nightclub in Trenton, when they met the alleged victim and a girlfriend. Sciarra said the women did not leave with the troopers but that the groups left separately and met up later.

The troopers were off-duty and arrived at the club in personal vehicles, Sciarra said.

"They could have been seven accountants," he said.

Sciarra said the troopers had not yet been asked to provide information to the Mercer County Prosecutor's Office, which is investigating the woman's claim, but would do so at the appropriate time.

He said the troopers notified their superiors they had been at the location of the alleged assault after hearing news reports that the home had been searched.

No charges have been filed against the troopers. Sciarra said he didn't expect that to change.

"We're confident that at the end of the day, these guys will be exonerated and will move on with their careers," he said.