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Area Votes in Congress

WASHINGTON - Here's how Philadelphia-area members of Congress voted on major roll calls last week. House Intelligence budget: In a 222-199 vote, the House approved the conference report on an estimated $48 billion fiscal 2008 budget for the 16 U.S. intelligence agencies.

WASHINGTON - Here's how Philadelphia-area members of Congress voted on major roll calls last week.


Intelligence budget

: In a 222-199 vote, the House approved the conference report on an estimated $48 billion fiscal 2008 budget for the 16 U.S. intelligence agencies.

A yes vote was to pass HR 2082.

All Philadelphia-area Democrats voted yes. All area Republicans voted no.

Defense budget

: The House approved, 370-49, the conference report on a bill authorizing a $696.3 billion military budget for fiscal 2008, including nearly $190 billion for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

A yes vote was to pass HR 1585.

All Philadelphia-area representatives voted for the bill, except Chaka Fattah (D., Pa.), who voted no.

Terrorism insurance:

In a 303-116 vote, the House sent the Senate a bill renewing for seven years a program of taxpayer backing to help the insurance industry meet the catastrophic costs of any future terrorist attacks.

A yes vote was to pass HR 4299.

All Philadelphia-area representatives voted for the bill, except Michael Castle (R., Del.) and Joseph Pitts (R., Pa.), who voted no.

Alternative minimum tax

: In a 226-193 vote, the House sent the Senate a bill to exempt about 21 million middle-income households from the alternative minimum tax this year.

A yes vote was to pass HR 4351.

All Philadelphia-area Democrats voted yes. All area Republicans voted no.


Home mortgages

: In a 93-1 vote, the Senate passed a bill granting the Federal Housing Administration new authority to stimulate the residential housing market, including measures to help holders of shaky subprime mortgages avert default by shifting to FHA-insured loans.

A yes vote was to pass S 2338.

All Philadelphia-area senators voted yes, except Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D., Del.), who did not vote.

New energy policies

: In a 86-8 vote, the Senate sent the House a bill that would raise vehicle mileage requirements by 40 percent by 2020. The vote occurred after the bill was stripped of provisions that sought to raise taxes on oil companies and require utilities to generate 15 percent of their electricity from renewable sources by 2020.

A yes vote was to pass HR 6.

All Philadelphia-area senators voted yes, except Biden, who did not vote.

2008 defense budget

: In a 90-1 vote, the Senate sent President Bush the conference report on a bill (HR 1585) authorizing a $696.3 billion military budget for fiscal 2008, including nearly $190 billion for war in Iraq and Afghanistan.

A yes vote was to approve the conference report.

All Philadelphia-area senators voted yes, except Biden, who did not vote.

Five-year farm bill

: The Senate passed, 79-14, a five-year, $288 billion farm bill (HR 2419) that extends the current system of subsidies for growers of major crops.

A yes vote was to pass the bill.

All Philadelphia-area senators voted yes, except Frank Lautenberg (D., N.J.), who voted no, and Biden, who did not vote.

This week.

The House will take up bills on energy and fiscal 2008 appropriations. The Senate will debate the same budget bill, the 2008 intelligence budget, and a bill on the alternative minimum tax. Congress hopes to adjourn for the year by week's end.