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Broke and in debt, Matos tells court

ELIZABETH, N.J. - The estranged wife of former Gov. Jim McGreevey tried to convince a divorce judge yesterday that she is entitled to alimony, saying her mortgage, legal bills and a $100,000 loan from a friend have left her deeply in debt.

ELIZABETH, N.J. - The estranged wife of former Gov. Jim McGreevey tried to convince a divorce judge yesterday that she is entitled to alimony, saying her mortgage, legal bills and a $100,000 loan from a friend have left her deeply in debt.

Dina Matos said she had no savings despite having received $110,000 in tax-free support from McGreevey.

The couple wed in 2000. In 2004 he proclaimed himself "a gay American," claimed he had had an affair with a male staffer, and resigned as governor. The employee denies the affair.

Matos wrapped up her testimony yesterday as the final witness in the money phase of her divorce. A judge will rule on alimony and support after lawyers make their final arguments next week.

A final issue in the bitter breakup - her claim that she was duped into marrying a gay man - has not been scheduled to be heard. That phase could include testimony from an ex-aide who claims he had sexual trysts with the couple.

Matos, 41, has asked the judge to base alimony payments on the lifestyle she enjoyed as wife of the governor.

She paid an expert $20,000 to compile a lifestyle report for the judge estimating the cost of replicating her gubernatorial lifestyle at $51,000 a month. McGreevey's expert put the gubernatorial lifestyle around $16,000 a month.

McGreevey, 51, testified that he is deeply in debt to his partner, Mark O'Donnell.

McGreevey is a seminary student making about $48,000 a year.

Matos testified that she will be unemployed as of today, when the Plainfield hospital at which she makes $82,000 a year as a fund-raiser closes.

Asked by Haller how she would pay her debts, Matos responded: "I plan to get a job, unlike your client."