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Vince Fumo looking for a roommate?

Is former State Sen. Vincent J. Fumo feeling some separation anxiety? Consider: His compadre in a federal Kentucky prison has left him.

Is former State Sen. Vincent J. Fumo feeling some separation anxiety?

Consider: His compadre in a federal Kentucky prison has left him.

That's right, T. Milton Street Sr. has left the Bluegrass State, having served more than half of his 30-month sentence for failing to file federal tax returns on more than $2 million in income.

The two had shared the same Ashland, Ky., address for several months. Fumo is still there, serving a 55-month sentence after his conviction on 137 counts of corruption.

So where's Street, the 71-year-old brother of former Philadelphia Mayor John F. Street, who once ran a lunch truck at Temple University?

He's in a halfway house, awaiting his Nov. 27 release date.

The Philadelphia Community Corrections Office, which is supervising Street, won't say exactly where he is, only that he is in one of 19 facilities in seven states.

So if you are in Maine, Ohio, New Hampshire, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, or Pennsylvania, and you think that hot-dog vendor looks familiar, maybe there's a reason.

- Marcia Gelbart

A prayer for unity from one who's been there

Former Mayor W. Wilson Goode made a rare appearance in City Council Thursday, delivering the invocation at the regular meeting and praying for something he is familiar with - the rocky relationship between the mayor and Council.

"If it be your will, that Council and mayor be of one accord," said Goode, an ordained minister at the First Baptist Church of Paschall in Southwest Philadelphia, who was invited to deliver the invocation by his son, Councilman W. Wilson Goode Jr. "Lord, I know I am asking a lot."

Goode, whose post-political life has been devoted to prisoner reentry and educational issues, prayed for the city's children and reported: "There is a very joyous and happy life after the Mayor's Office."

Goode was mayor from 1984 to 1992.

- Jeff Shields

BRT board members working for free?

For decades, a spot on the city's seven-member Board of Revision of Taxes was one of the most lucrative appointed positions in all of city government: a cool $70,000 a year (even more for the chair and secretary), for part-time work.

City Council put an end to that in April, reducing the pay of most members to a relatively paltry $150 per meeting.

So far, though, not a single member of the BRT has filed the time sheets required to collect their stipends, according to city officials.

"We're happy to pay them for the work they do, consistent with the new structure. But they have not provided the records, so you really would be left to guess at what you should pay them," said Richard Negrin, the former executive director of the BRT whom Mayor Nutter just named the city's new managing director and deputy mayor for administration and coordination.

This isn't a problem for board chair Charlesretta Meade and secretary Robert N.C. Nix III, whose positions entitle them to full salaries of $50,000 and $45,000, respectively. But it means no cash at all for the other five members.

So what gives? Is the amount too small to bother with? Are board members insulted by the pay cut? Or are they just behind on their paperwork?

Meade, who speaks for the board, did not return a call seeking comment. She has consistently declined to answer questions from the media for months.

The board members are running out of time to file their claims and get their checks. As of Oct. 1, the BRT will be abolished.

- Patrick Kerkstra