Report says six fixed parking tickets in Phila.
In exchange for free and discounted food, Clorise Wynn, the deputy director of the city agency charged with handling appeals of parking tickets, dismissed $50,000 worth of tickets for the company that gave her the gifts.
In exchange for free and discounted food, Clorise Wynn, the deputy director of the city agency charged with handling appeals of parking tickets, dismissed $50,000 worth of tickets for the company that gave her the gifts.
Wynn also dismissed hundreds of tickets for friends and 35 for her daughter - behavior that led Philadelphia's inspector general to recommend that the city fire her. Wynn retired May 25 from her $101,596-a-year job before the city could act.
Wynn's behavior was outlined in an Inspector General's Office report issued Tuesday detailing ticket-fixing by Wynn and five other government employees. Those five employees have either been fired or have resigned or retired from their jobs.
Inspector General Amy Kurland said her ticket-fixing probe found widespread problems at the Bureau of Administrative Adjudication, the division of the Finance Department that handles appeals of tickets issued by the Parking Authority.
"The integrity of the entire department was compromised," Kurland said at a morning news conference.
"Clorise Wynn created a workplace that was devoid of clear rules, isolated line staff, and left gaps in supervision that compromised the integrity of her department. This left Wynn's staff to learn office practice from her example alone, which provided a lesson only in what not to do," Kurland's report said.
The report called for the bureau to provide better training and establish clear policies for employees who consider ticket appeals, particularly for hearings involving friends, family, and coworkers.
Kurland does not have the power to bring criminal charges and referred her findings to District Attorney Seth Williams. His office had no comment Tuesday.
The city is considering whether to review the dismissed tickets and recoup the money.
Mayor Nutter said he hoped the investigation would send a message to what he called a small number of employees whose actions tarnish the image of everyone who works for the city.
"There are no deals," Nutter said. "This is not the phone company. We don't have a friends-and-family plan."
Kurland said she did not know how many tickets were dismissed as favors to relatives or friends because her investigation focused on the behavior of a small group of employees and was intended to end the practice of fixing tickets. She declined to name the company that gave Wynn gifts.
Wynn, who was not available for comment, oversaw the appeals process for tickets, supervising a staff of about 20.
Wynn provided poor oversight of employees and failed to implement a policy prohibiting fixing tickets for friends and family of Parking Authority and bureau workers, according to the report.
The inspector general's report also found that bureau supervisor Joanna Schofield also provided "extremely poor oversight to hearing examiners." Schofield, who could not be reached for comment, accelerated her planned retirement and left her job this spring.
The city dismissed hearing examiners Yvette Garcia and Denean Hardy, who both fixed tickets for friends and family, according to the report.
Robin Bass, a Parking Authority clerk who had her own tickets dismissed, retired before she could be terminated. Her son Reginald Bass-Reid, a coin collector for the Parking Authority who got his tickets canceled, was fired by PPA Executive Director Vincent J. Fenerty Jr. after Kurland recommended it.
Fenerty and city Finance Director Rob Dubow cooperated with Kurland's investigation. The state oversees the Parking Authority.