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Three killed, two wounded in three city shootings

Three men were gunned down in three city shootings in little more than seven hours starting Sunday night, police said, and two others were injured.

Three men were gunned down in three city shootings in little more than seven hours starting Sunday night, police said, and two others were injured.

The first two men were shot shortly before 9 p.m. on the 5400 block of Irving Street in West Philadelphia. John Day, 39, of the 3000 block of Emerald Street in Kensington, was later pronounced dead at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. He had wounds to his head and chest, police said.

The second victim, 33, was in stable condition, police said.

Around 10:30 p.m. Sunday, two other men were shot, possibly during a robbery, in the 2500 block of Jackson Street in South Philadelphia. Police found them at the university's hospital, where Dimitry Bryant, 26, died of multiple gunshot wounds to the chest, police said.

Bryant lived in the 2300 block of Bambrey Terrace, just a few blocks from the shooting scene. The other man, 25, was in stable condition with a wounded arm and knee.

The men were apparently in a vehicle during the robbery attempt and were later driven to the hospital.

A third man was killed early Monday on the 2100 block of North Sixth Street. The victim, shot in the chest, was pronounced dead at 4:11 a.m. at Temple University Hospital. His name was being withheld pending notification of kin.

Also Monday, a man who was fatally shot Saturday night in Camden was identified, police said. Brandon Lowry, 25, of Camden, was shot several times at 27th and Federal Streets about 9:45, authorities said. He was pronounced dead at Cooper University Hospital about a half-hour later.

It was the city's 38th homicide. No arrests were reported. Tipsters may call Camden County Prosecutor's Office Investigator Lance Saunders at 856-225-8400 or Camden Police Detective Jason Galiazzi at 856-757-7420.