Man slain in house of ill-repute is identified
A man killed in a shooting in a house of ill-repute in Southwest Philadelphia Tuesday was identified today as 22-year-old Shirkey Warthen. Police said Warthen lived on the 1200 block of South Ruby Street in the same Kingsessing neighborhood as the crime scene.
A man killed in a shooting in a house of ill-repute in Southwest Philadelphia Tuesday was identified today as 22-year-old Shirkey Warthen.
Police said Warthen lived on the 1200 block of South Ruby Street in the same Kingsessing neighborhood as the crime scene.
He was hit multiple times and a 34-year-old woman was wounded in the knee when gunfire erupted about 10 p.m. following an argument in the residence on Florence Avenue near 54th Street, described by police as a known location for drug activity and prostitution.
Warthen died at 11:40 p.m. at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania.
Police did not disclose the nature of the argument and there is no word yet if they have identified any possible suspects.