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Animal Lifeline wins shelter renovation award

BUCKS COUNTY Animal Lifeline wins award WARRINGTON Bryn Donnelly, national programs director for Animal Lifeline of Warrington, received the shelter hero of the year award Thursday from the Pedigree dog food company as part of Fox's Cause for Paws: An All-Star Dog Spectacular TV program.


Animal Lifeline wins award

WARRINGTON Bryn Donnelly, national programs director for Animal Lifeline of Warrington, received the shelter hero of the year award Thursday from the Pedigree dog food company as part of Fox's Cause for Paws: An All-Star Dog Spectacular TV program.

Donnelly is cofounder and program director of Rescue Rebuild, an animal shelter renovation program of the Greater Good organization and Animal Lifeline.

Pedigree engaged with the program as part of a shelter renovation project that started in the spring. It is designed to renovate and provide food to 48 shelters across the United States.

The Rescue Rebuild program takes volunteers to shelters and spends a few weeks completing general repairs and renovations.

Founded in 2006, Animal Lifeline strives to create humane solutions for animals locally and nationally. For more information, go to - Inquirer staff