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Area Votes in Congress

WASHINGTON - The House was in recess last week. Here is how Philadelphia-area members of Congress voted on major issues:

WASHINGTON - The House was in recess last week. Here is how Philadelphia-area members of Congress voted on major issues:


Transportation-safety chief. Voting 97-0, the Senate on Thursday confirmed Christopher A. Hart as chairman of the National Transportation Safety Board. A lawyer and longtime federal employee in the transportation field, Hart had been the board's acting chairman. The NTSB, an independent agency with a $104 million annual budget, is charged with determining the cause of every civil aviation accident and high-profile rail, marine, pipeline, and highway accident.

A yes vote was to confirm Hart as NTSB chairman.

Voting yes: Cory Booker (D., N.J.), Thomas Carper (D., Del.), Bob Casey (D., Pa.), Chris Coons (D., Del.), Robert Menendez (D., N.J.), and Pat Toomey (R., Pa.).

Intellectual-property chief. Voting 92-0, the Senate on Monday confirmed Daniel Henry Marti as the top administration official for coordinating policies and enforcement actions to protect intellectual-property rights in the federal government and private sector. Marti had been the managing partner in a Washington law firm specializing in both domestic and foreign intellectual-property law. His new title is intellectual property enforcement coordinator in the Executive Office of the President.

A yes vote was to confirm Marti.

Voting yes: Booker, Carper, Casey, Coons, and Menendez.

Not voting: Toomey

This week. The Senate will vote on the nomination of Loretta Lynch as attorney general and conduct a filibuster vote on a human-trafficking bill that contains disputed abortion language. The House schedule was to be announced.