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New Zealand quake toll at 75 as search amid ruin continues

CHRISTCHURCH, New Zealand - Some screamed from inside collapsed buildings. One woman used her mobile phone to call her children to say goodbye. Others tapped on the rubble to communicate with those on the outside.

Stunned survivors walk among the collapsed buildings Tuesdayin Christchurch, a city of 350,000. The 6.3-magnitude quake left at least 300 missing. It was among the worst in 80 years.
Stunned survivors walk among the collapsed buildings Tuesdayin Christchurch, a city of 350,000. The 6.3-magnitude quake left at least 300 missing. It was among the worst in 80 years.Read morePU RUI / Xinhua

CHRISTCHURCH, New Zealand - Some screamed from inside collapsed buildings. One woman used her mobile phone to call her children to say goodbye. Others tapped on the rubble to communicate with those on the outside.

Search teams used their bare hands, dogs, heavy cranes, and earth movers Wednesday to pull 120 survivors from the rubble of a powerful earthquake in one of New Zealand's largest cities. Officials raised the death toll to at least 75, with 300 others listed as missing.

As rescuers dug through the crumbled concrete, twisted metal, and huge mounds of brick across Christchurch, officials feared that the death toll could rise, ranking the 6.3-magnitude earthquake among the island nation's worst in 80 years.

"There are bodies littering the streets, they are trapped in cars, crushed under rubble, and where they are clearly deceased," Police Superintendent Russell Gibson said. "Our focus . . . has turned to the living."

Prime Minister John Key said at a news conference that 75 people were confirmed dead, with 55 identified. He declared a state of national emergency, giving the government wider powers to take control of a rescue and recovery operation that was growing by the hour.

In one of the worst of the collapsed buildings, a camera inserted into the rubble showed images of people still alive, Mayor Bob Parker said. He said 120 people were rescued from wrecked buildings, while more bodies were also recovered. Some survivors emerged without a scratch, while others had to have a limb amputated before they could be freed.

Military units patrolled near-empty streets disfigured by the huge cracks and canyons created in Tuesday's earthquake, the second powerful temblor to hit the city in five months. The quake toppled the spire of the city's historic stone cathedral and flattened tall buildings.

"People were covered in rubble, covered in several tons of concrete," said web designer Nathaniel Boehm, who was outside on his lunch break when the quake struck just before 1 p.m. He saw the eaves of buildings cascade onto the street, burying people below. "It was horrific."

Mall worker Tom Brittenden told of how he had helped pull victims from the rubble in the immediate aftermath of the quake. "There was a lady outside we tried to free with a child," Brittenden told National Radio. "A big bit of concrete or brick had fallen on her and she was holding her child. She was gone. The baby was taken away."

The multistory Pyne Gould Guinness Building, housing more than 200 workers, collapsed. Rescuers, many of them office workers, dragged out severely injured people - many with blood streaming down their faces. Screams could be heard from those still trapped inside.

The earthquake knocked out power and telephone lines and burst pipes, flooding the streets with water. The quake even shook off a massive chunk of ice from the country's biggest glacier some 120 miles east of Christchurch.

A 7.1-magnitude earthquake hit Christchurch, a city of 350,000, on Sept. 4 but caused no deaths.

Thousands of people in the city moved into temporary shelters at schools and community halls Tuesday. Others huddled in hastily pitched tents. Parker said 300 people were listed as missing.

Some who were trapped were able to call out using their mobile phones.

"I rang my kids to say goodbye," said Ann Voss, interviewed by TV3 from underneath her desk where she was trapped in a building. "It was absolutely horrible. My daughter was crying and I was crying because I honestly thought that was it. You know, you want to tell them you love them, don't you?"