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In the World

3 more NATO soldiers are killed

KABUL, Afghanistan - Insurgent attacks killed three NATO service members Friday in southern Afghanistan, the military alliance said, as Taliban-led fighters pressed a spring offensive that began at the start of this month.

NATO gave few details beyond saying that two of the service members were killed in a bomb attack and the third in a separate insurgent attack. It did not announce their nationalities.

Insurgents declared the start of a spring offensive May 1 against NATO and the Afghan government.

On Thursday, two back-to-back blasts killed eight U.S. troops with NATO and two Afghan policemen on foot patrol in the south. The second bomb detonated as troops rushed to aid those hurt in the first blast, NATO said.

The Taliban took responsibility for that attack, which occurred in the mountainous Shorabak district of Kandahar province, an area close to the border with Pakistan.

- AP

U.S.-India pact on fighting terror

NEW DELHI - The United States and India pledged Friday to boost efforts in counterterrorism, intelligence sharing, and cybersecurity.

A joint statement said visiting U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and India's Home Minister P. Chidambaram identified six areas for cooperation, including port, border, and coastal security, and stopping money transfers to terror and criminal groups.

During the Cold War, India and the Soviet Union shared close ties, while the United States tilted toward India's rival Pakistan. But in recent years, New Delhi and Washington have drawn closer, finding common ground in their concern over global terrorism, commitment to democracy, and booming trade.

- AP

Weather hinders Everest cleanup

KATHMANDU, Nepal - Fresh snow and unpredictable weather hampered efforts to pick up tons of trash left behind by climbers on the slopes of Mount Everest, a U.S.-based mountain climber and guide who led the cleaning crew said Friday.

"The new snow covered the garbage and it was difficult to collect trash in the higher altitude," Apa said upon his return to the Nepalese capital of Kathmandu. Apa, like many Sherpas, uses only one name. He lives in the Salt Lake City suburb of Draper.

Before leaving for the mountain in April, Apa said his team planned to clear 8,800 pounds of garbage from the lower part and 2,200 pounds from near the summit. Apa said they managed to bring down only 2,400 pounds.

Apa did reach the summit of the 29,035-foot mountain with other climbers May 11 - his 21st ascent of the peak, breaking his own record for most climbs, set last year. - AP


Korean American

businessman Eddie Jun arrived in Beijing on Saturday from North Korea. Detained since November for reportedly proselytizing, he was released after a visiting U.S. official expressed regret.