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Agency expands its probe

The Secret Service is checking into sexual allegations over a 2011 trip to El Salvador.

WASHINGTON - Expanding the prostitution investigation, the Secret Service acknowledged Thursday that it is checking whether its employees hired strippers and prostitutes in advance of President Obama's visit last year to El Salvador.

The disclosure came not long after Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano assured skeptical senators that the recent prostitution scandal in Colombia appeared to be an isolated incident.

A spokesman for the Secret Service, Edwin Donovan, said the agency was investigating allegations raised in news reports about unprofessional behavior that have emerged in the aftermath of the Colombia incident. The latest, by Seattle's KIRO-TV, quoted anonymous sources as saying that Secret Service employees received sexual favors from strippers at a club in San Salvador and took prostitutes to their hotel rooms ahead of Obama's visit in March 2011.

Prostitution is legal in both Colombia and El Salvador.

Separately, the Washington Post this week cited unnamed "confidants" of the Secret Service officers implicated in Colombia saying senior managers had tolerated similar behavior during previous official trips. The Post described a visit to Buenos Aires in 2009 by former President Bill Clinton, whose protective detail it said included agents and uniformed officers. During that trip, the Post said, members of the detail went out for a late night of partying at strip clubs.

Donovan said Thursday, "Any information brought to our attention that can be assessed as credible will be followed up on in an appropriate manner."

In a confidential message to senators, also Thursday, the Secret Service said its Office of Professional Responsibility had not received complaints about officer behavior in El Salvador but would investigate.

White House spokesman Jay Carney said he doubted that Obama was aware of the allegations about El Salvador when he was briefed by Secret Service Director Mark Sullivan last week in the Oval Office.

The expansion of any investigation into behavior by the Secret Service could represent another mark against an agency that has been tarnished by the prostitution scandal. At a hearing Wednesday on Capitol Hill, senators struggled to reconcile the image of courageous agents assigned to protect the lives of the president and his family with the less savory image that has emerged from its investigation in Colombia so far.

Senators on Thursday questioned Napolitano's statement during the hearing that she believed the incident in Colombia was an isolated case. Napolitano had said there was no evidence of similar behavior, based on a review of complaints to the agency's Office of Professional Responsibility.

"It sort of defies logic," said Sen. Lindsey Graham (R., S.C.), who serves on the Judiciary and Armed Services Committees, both of which were investigating the case. "The idea that this is the first and only time, it doesn't make sense. For something to get this out of control it has to be a . . . cultural blueprint."