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In the World

Aid worker found dead in Pakistan

QUETTA, Pakistan - The body of a British Red Cross worker held captive in Pakistan since January was found in an orchard Sunday, his throat slit and a note attached to his body saying he was killed because no ransom was paid, police said.

Khalil Rasjed Dale, 60, was managing a health program in Quetta, in southwestern Pakistan, when armed men seized him from a street close to his office. The identities of his captors are unknown, but the region is home to separatist and Islamist extremists who have kidnapped for ransom before.

The director-general of the International Committee of the Red Cross condemned the "barbaric act."

Also Sunday, American missiles killed three suspected Islamist extremists sheltering in an abandoned school in North Waziristan, said intelligence officials. - AP

Egypt parliament on protest break

CAIRO - Egypt's Islamist-dominated parliament said Sunday it was suspending sessions for a week to protest the ruling military's failure to heed repeated calls for the dismissal of the government.

Anger against the country's military rulers also spilled into the streets, where a protester was killed late Saturday in a demonstration outside the Ministry of Defense. Protesters clashed for three hours with unidentified assailants supporting the military, throwing rocks, firebombs, and glass bottles.

The parliament, seated three months ago, has been demanding it be allowed to form a cabinet to replace the one appointed by the country's military rulers last year. That cabinet is headed by Prime Minister Kamal el-Ganzouri, a holdover from the era of authoritarian leader Hosni Mubarak, who was ousted in a popular uprising 14 months ago. - AP

Activist detained, beaten in Russia

MOSCOW - An opposition activist was detained and beaten Sunday after he tried to enter Moscow's landmark Christ the Savior Cathedral to pray to deliver Russia from Vladimir V. Putin.

Several riot police forced Roman Dobrokhotov into a police car just feet from Russia's largest church, widely seen as a symbol of resurgent Orthodox Christianity. Dobrokhotov, who leads a small anti-Kremlin youth movement, had heckled President Dmitri A. Medvedev in the Kremlin in 2008.

Hours later Sunday, when Dobrokhotov was leaving a police station where he was held, seven men assaulted him, damaging his ear, he said. - AP

Malaysians allege police brutality

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia - Displaying bruises and cuts, participants in a weekend protest here said Sunday that police used brutal tactics to shut down their rally for fair elections, prompting the organizers to demand an inquiry by Malaysia's Human Rights Commission.

On Saturday, a peaceful demonstration around Independence Square in Kuala Lumpur, the capital, turned violent when a group of protesters breached the barricades around the site and police responded with tear gas and water cannons.

Police said that 471 people were arrested during the demonstration, one of the largest in recent years in Malaysia, but that they had all been released. The protest was organized by the Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections, 84 groups seeking major changes to the country's electoral system.

While the government commended the police, analysts predicted the decision to fire tear gas and water cannons at demonstrators could damage support for the governing coalition before the next elections, possibly in June. - N.Y. Times News Service