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In the World

Protesters decry rape in India

NEW DELHI - Thousands of protesters streamed into the heart of New Delhi on Saturday to demand justice and better policing in the wake of the brutal rape of a 23-year-old medical student.

Protesters and police scuffled throughout the day. Police eventually used tear gas, water cannons, and sticks to disperse the crowd. Officials said that 35 protesters and 37 police officers were injured, and that six buses and several police vehicles were damaged.

The protesters promised to return in even greater numbers Sunday, a threat grave enough that Home Minister Sushil Shinde held a news conference on Saturday night to plead for calm.

Outrage over the crime has continued to build all over India even as the police arrested six suspects.

The woman was raped Dec. 16 after she and her boyfriend boarded a private bus. The men aboard raped her and beat her and her friend with iron rods before stripping the two dumping them by the road. - N.Y. Times News Service

Peacekeeper kills 4 in Darfur

UNITED NATIONS - A peacekeeper serving with the joint U.N.-African Union force in Darfur opened fire on fellow peacekeepers, killing four and injuring one, the United Nations said Friday.

Kieran Dwyer, spokesman for the U.N. peacekeeping force, said the peacekeeping mission in Darfur, known as UNAMID, is investigating.

He said there were no further details of the "blue-on-blue" incident that took place Thursday at a peacekeeping site in Mukjar in West Darfur. It was unclear whether the peacekeeper who opened fire was alive, dead, or injured.

More than 300,000 people have been killed in the Darfur conflict since rebels took up arms against the Sudanese government nearly 10 years ago, accusing it of discrimination and neglect. - AP

3 more arrive at space station

ALMATY, Kazakhstan - A Soyuz capsule packed with three astronauts successfully docked Friday with the International Space Station, taking the size of the full crew at the orbiting laboratory to six.

American Tom Marshburn, Russian Roman Romanenko, and Canadian Chris Hadfield traveled two days in the capsule before linking up with the space station's Russian Rassvet research module.

The docking took place around 255 miles above the capital of Kazakhstan.

The arriving three were welcomed by NASA astronaut Kevin Ford and Russian colleagues Oleg Novitsky and Yevgeny Tarelkin. The six colleagues exchanged hugs and posed for photos as they floated in the weightless atmosphere of the station. - AP


An explosion

at a shop selling CDs killed 4 people in a town northeast of the Iraqi capital Baghdad on Saturday. Police officials say a bomb was hidden in a plastic bag. Eleven people were wounded and the shop was destroyed.