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Retrial of Mubarak resumes

CAIRO - The retrial of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak resumed Saturday, with prosecutors requesting to present new evidence from a fact-finding commission's report that claims the former leader knew the extent of the violence against protesters.

CAIRO - The retrial of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak resumed Saturday, with prosecutors requesting to present new evidence from a fact-finding commission's report that claims the former leader knew the extent of the violence against protesters.

Mubarak, who ruled Egypt for nearly 30 years, is being accused of collusion in the killing of nearly 900 protesters in the first days of the January 2011 revolt that unseated him.

At the hearing, Mubarak sat upright on a hospital gurney in the defendants' cage as he listened to the charges against him.

The case may hinge on the report by the fact-finding commission, which worked for six months collecting hundreds of hours of video and testimony. The commission was created by Mubarak's successor, Mohammed Morsi.

Mubarak and his interior minister, Habib el-Adly, had been convicted and sentenced to life in prison for failing to prevent the killings of protesters.

An appeals court in January overturned their sentences and ruled that the prosecution's case lacked concrete evidence.

A new prosecutor is in place now, and lawyers say they have new evidence from the fact-finding panel's report. Excerpts of the report have been leaked to the Associated Press. It found that police were behind nearly all the killings. The inquiry also determined that such force could only have been authorized by security chief Adly with Mubarak's full knowledge.