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A little help from his friend ...

John Lennon needed help. At least his statue did. A bronze likeness of the Beatle, slain 33 years ago Sunday, was inaugurated in a leafy Havana park 13 years ago. But souvenir-seekers kept stealing the iconic circular spectacles that adorned it.

John Lennon needed help. At least his statue did.

A bronze likeness of the Beatle, slain 33 years ago Sunday, was inaugurated in a leafy Havana park 13 years ago. But souvenir-seekers kept stealing the iconic circular spectacles that adorned it.

Officials tried gluing them on. They should have known better: Vandals broke them off.

Enter Juan Gonzalez, 95, a retired farmworker who lives across the street. For the last 13 years, four days a week, he has showed up at 6 a.m. for a 12-hour shift. As a younger man in the fields, he wasn't a Beatles fan. But he is now.

As tourists arrive, he places the glasses on the singer's nose and waits as they snap pictures. When they leave, he gently tucks the glasses away in a shirt pocket.

"All the foreigners that come here take a picture of me, men and women," Gonzalez says. "I am in every country in the world." - AP