From the Report
Among the panel's 46 recommendations: The most sweeping proposal would terminate the National Security Agency's ability to store telephone data and instead require the data to be held by phone companies or a third party. Access would be permitted only through an order from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.
Among the panel's
46 recommendations:
The most sweeping proposal would terminate the National Security Agency's ability to store telephone data and instead require the data to be held by phone companies or a third party. Access would be permitted only through an order from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.
Another big change would tighten federal law enforcement's use of so-called national security letters, giving sweeping authority to demand financial and phone records without prior court approval in national security cases. The panel said authorities should be required to obtain a prior "judicial finding" showing "reasonable grounds" that the information sought was relevant.
The panel urged creation of a "public interest advocate" to represent civil liberties and privacy interests at the court. - APEndText