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Redesigning City Schools

Four schools were recently awarded Redesign Initiative Grants by the Philadelphia School District. The $30,000 awards went to schools that plan grass-roots shifts in how they operate. After a design year, the schools could get more financing, support, and flexibility to fully implement their chosen model. They are:

Four schools were recently awarded Redesign Initiative Grants by the Philadelphia School District. The $30,000 awards went to schools that plan grass-roots shifts in how they operate. After a design year, the schools could get more financing, support, and flexibility to fully implement their chosen model. They are:

Chester A. Arthur Elementary, South Philadelphia. Using an inquiry-based approach to instruction modeled after Science Leadership Academy.

Laura H. Carnell Elementary, Oxford Circle. Creating a project-based learning environment for all students.

J.S. Jenks Elementary, Chestnut Hill. Enhancing teacher collaboration and improving use of resources through a "shared classroom" model. Combating summer learning loss through a blended technology and excursion-based summer learning experience.

Tilden Middle School, Southwest Philadelphia. Using blended learning technology to personalize instruction for all students.
