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In the World


Three get prison

over Buddha poster

A poster of Buddha wearing headphones, created to promote a bar and restaurant in Myanmar, has led to prison terms for the establishment's owner and two employees.

A court in Yangon, Myanmar's main commercial city, on Tuesday ruled that the three men had insulted religion. Each was sentenced to a term of 21/2 years. The poster showed a blue Buddha head, wearing large, Beats-like headphones and surrounded by psychedelic shades of magenta and yellow. It was created to advertise a special event at the bar on Dec. 14. It was posted on Facebook and sparked outcry and some protests.

VGastro bar owner Tun Thurein, 40, employee Htut Ko Ko Lwin, 26, and Phil Blackwood, the manager, were arrested Dec. 10. Blackwood, who is from New Zealand, told reporters after the ruling that he would appeal. - Los Angeles Times

Lee's condition slips

Lee Kuan Yew, the 91-year-old founding father of modern Singapore who has been hospitalized with pneumonia for more than a month, has experienced a downturn in his condition, the prime minister's office said Tuesday. The health of Lee, who has been on a ventilator, "has worsened due to an infection," the government said in a brief statement. "Doctors are closely monitoring his condition." - L.A. Times

Cervantes' remains

Researchers claim to have identified the remains of Miguel de Cervantes, the Spanish literary giant who penned Don Quixote. Cervantes was buried in the Convent of the Barefoot Trinitarians in Madrid after his death in 1616 at the age of 68, though his bones were later moved. Investigators said they believe that some of the remains found in the church belong to Cervantes, lead researcher Francisco Etxeberria said Tuesday. - Bloomberg