Cheat-beat on River Line goes viral
CONGRATULATIONS, Lisa Alyounes, you've won the part of scorned girlfriend consumed with rage. Alyounes, a pint-size wannabe actress from Westville, N.J., is becoming an Internet sensation after an eight-minute video of her punching, slapping, pushing, kicking and spitting in the face of a cowering boyfriend surfaced on YouTube.

CONGRATULATIONS, Lisa Alyounes, you've won the part of scorned girlfriend consumed with rage.
Alyounes, a pint-size wannabe actress from Westville, N.J., is becoming an Internet sensation after an eight-minute video of her punching, slapping, pushing, kicking and spitting in the face of a cowering boyfriend surfaced on YouTube.
The beatdown took place on Nov. 29, on the NJ Transit River Line, in Pennsauken. The video, taken by a passenger, begins with Alyounes' slapping the red-haired man in the face and it only gets worse.
"You are the reason why every guy on earth is a scumbag," Alyounes screams at the man between blows.
The unidentified man pleaded with Alyounes to stop and didn't fight back, though some passengers suggested that he should. The pummeling, Alyounes eventually revealed, was payback for his alleged philandering.
"Two f---ing years I gave you," she said.
According to some talent websites that she signed up for, Alyounes stands 4 feet 9 and weighs about 100 pounds and "alway [sic] want to act." As of midnight, her public-transit rampage had garnered more than 156,400 views on the YouTube Channel "Train Fights"
In the video, she kicks the man in the head several times with her UGG-style boots, nearly pushes him into a baby stroller, and gets face-to-face with him before spitting.
"I hate you soooo much!" she bellows.
John Durso Jr., a NJ Transit spokesman, said the incident and subsequent investigation prompted authorities to stop the train about 15 minutes. Passengers, including the woman who taped the incident, were both amused and annoyed at times.
"My food getting cold," a woman said.
When NJ Transit Police arrived at the 36th Street Station, in Pennsauken, Alyounes started fighting with them too. One passenger said that Alyounes "kneed the cop in the groin" twice, though it was off camera. The cops did fight back, though, pinning Alyounes down on a bench, and eventually facedown on the train's platform.
"Uh-huh, that's just what she needs," a passenger says on the video.
According to the Camden County Prosecutor's Office, Alyounes was charged with aggravated assault of a police officer and simple assault. Officials at the Camden County Jail said that Alyounes was still being held on $15,000 bail and was due in court Friday.