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Rutgers student admits he fondled snoozing roommate

A RUTGERS student has admitted making unwanted sexual contact with his sleeping roommate and capturing video of what happened on his cellphone.

A RUTGERS student has admitted making unwanted sexual contact with his sleeping roommate and capturing video of what happened on his cellphone.

Under a plea agreement made public Tuesday, Minjin Oh, 20, could face up to 364 days in jail for criminal sexual contact and invasion of privacy.

The case has some echoes of another, more notorious recent case at Rutgers involving sex and video in a Rutgers dorm room.

Authorities say Oh admitted to fondling his male roommate April 6, 2010. The roommates were assigned at random.

Prosecutors have not released the name of the roommate because he is a victim of a sex crime.

Oh's lawyer, Steven Altman, said his client deleted the video of the action the morning after it was taken and never showed it to anyone.

Exactly what happened is in dispute. Altman said that evidence the prosecutors provided in trial preparations suggested that Oh had performed oral sex on his roommate. But the lawyer said his client adamantly denied that and admitted to fondling him.

James O'Neill, a spokesman for the Middlesex County Prosecutor's Office, said the victim woke up during the contact.

Under the terms of the deal, Oh will be placed on parole supervision for life and required to register as a sex offender.

But, Altman said, the plea deal was crafted in such a way that Oh is not likely to be deported to his native South Korea. Altman said that although he's a citizen of that country, he and his family live legally in the U.S.

Oh still attends the university. He is scheduled to be sentenced on Aug. 23.