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Injured Ann Curry rescued by NJ Scouts

A group of Boy Scouts from New Jersey helped rescue an injured Ann Curry when she broke her ankle during a recent hiking trip to Bear Mountain in New York, according to a scouting magazine.

The television news personality sent a message Friday evening on Twitter about her rescue last month, saying, "If you break a leg on on a mountain, I hope Boy Scout Troop 368 finds you. Boy am I glad they found me." Scouting Magazine wrote about it on its online blog.

According to the magazine, Curry was hiking at Harriman State Park in New York on April 5 when she stumbled and broke her ankle. A group of Scouts from Troop and Crew 368 from Berkeley Heights, Union County, N.J., were on a training hike at the time. They came across Curry without knowing who she was.

"We were hiking along, and we came to a trail intersection," a Scout leader, Rick Jurgens, recalled, "and a lady was sitting on the ground with her one leg out. We didn't think anything of it, but one of the guys asked if everything is OK. She said, 'No, not really. I think I broke my ankle.' She told us to keep going, but the guys refused."

The Scouts immediately sought to craft a splint from sticks and bind it to Curry's leg. They carried her down the mountain using a makeshift stretcher made of sticks and a tarp.

"She was in a good mood, asking us about our Philmont trip," Jurgens said. "She wanted to hear what brought us to Harriman State Park."

Curry's husband and son were with her at the time. They went ahead to drive their SUV to the trailhead. The Scouts carried Curry to the car and helped her inside.

Curry, in a letter she later sent to the Scouts, praised their emergency readiness, saying they went "above the call of duty."

The former co-host of the Today Show is still recovering from her injury.