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Kenney, 'Moleman' go Twit-for-tatt

WHO NEEDS social-media consultants when you can blast a foulmouthed constituent with your BlackBerry from a Center City bar while watching the Flyers annihilate the Penguins?

WHO NEEDS social-media consultants when you can blast a foulmouthed constituent with your BlackBerry from a Center City bar while watching the Flyers annihilate the Penguins?

That's right, folks. Time to check in with Councilman Jim Kenney, a/k/a @JimFKenney.

As you may have read in the Daily News this month, Kenney is paying local firm ChatterBlast $28,800 to handle some of his Twitter duties and social-media outreach.

But when a belligerent 20-something known as "The Moleman" (@conzmoleman) responded with a personal attack Sunday to Kenney's tweet about Jaromir Jagr, the at-large Democrat said that he took the helm of his Twitter account to fire back.

"I am 53 and u are a very large a-- hole," Kenney tweeted to The Moleman, who had called Kenney 57 years old and told him to "Go f--- yourself. Or hire a firm to do so." Then Kenney, who was watching the game at Center City's Misconduct Tavern, called him out: "By the way d-ck, I am in CC if you want to tell me sumpin."

The Moleman, however, said that he now has deep, newfound respect for Kenney.

"At first, I assumed it was not him, which is why I tweeted," explained The Moleman. "I was pleasantly surprised to see it was him. I actually really thought highly of his response. I was being a very large a--hole, as he said."

Turns out, The Moleman works for the city. He briefly disabled his Twitter account Monday after being contacted by the Daily News. "If the bosses see this, nobody's going to be happy," he said. The account was back on as of Monday night.

Kenney came to The Moleman's rescue after the story appeared on, tweeting that he shouldn't worry about losing his job: "He did no wrong. Every citizen has a right to tell their elected officials to go fornicate themselves!" Then, he wrote: "I'd be happy to buy my main Mole a drink for game one next series at Misconduct!"

At least, we think that was Kenney tweeting.