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Fighting tickets could get easier

CONTESTING PARKING tickets in Philadelphia can be a big pain in the tush. But it could get much easier under a bill that City Council's Finance Committee approved Wednesday over the objection of Mayor Nutter's administration and the bureau that hears appeals.

CONTESTING PARKING tickets in Philadelphia can be a big pain in the tush.

But it could get much easier under a bill that City Council's Finance Committee approved Wednesday over the objection of Mayor Nutter's administration and the bureau that hears appeals.

The bill, sponsored by Councilman Bill Green, would allow people to use email, the Web, mail, telephone or fax to dispute tickets issued by the Philadelphia Parking Authority. Now, irritated parkers must make an appointment during business hours to challenge a ticket and wait an hour or more to be heard by the Bureau of Administrative Adjudication.

Green said his bill is similar to systems already in place in Boston, New York and San Diego.

Bureau director Jeremiah Connors said portions of the proposal would be "problematic" because they would likely require more funding, such as for extra staff to man phone lines. He added that he does not object to mail-in, email or written appeals.

Connors also said that the measure would lead to a rise in appeals, making it more difficult to weed out legitimate disputes.