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City worker admits violating charter by campaign work

A social worker with the Department of Human Services violated the City Charter by working on political campaigns, the city Board of Ethics announced Wednesday.

A social worker with the Department of Human Services violated the City Charter by working on political campaigns, the city Board of Ethics announced Wednesday.

David Krain, 35, who has worked for the city since 2004, admitted assisting several candidates and committees between 2009 and 2011.

The charter prohibits municipal employees - with the exception of City Council staffers - from engaging in political activity. Political activity, as defined by the board, includes circulating nominating petitions, running for elected or party office, and taking part in get-out-the-vote drives. Violations carry a penalty of $300 each.

In a settlement with the board, Krain admitted assisting a political committee by handing out sample ballots. He also acknowledged notarizing campaign-finance reports without charge for several candidates and a committee. And he said he introduced a judicial candidate to a political consultant, who was later hired to distribute campaign literature, according to the settlement.

Krain could not be reached for comment.

Krain agreed to pay a fine of $450, rather than the $900 he could have been ordered to pay. He also agreed to attend ethics training within 90 days of the settlement, signed in November.

The agreement did not name the committees or candidates he assisted. Shane Creamer, the board's executive director, said the names were withheld because of confidentiality rules.

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