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Clout: He puked on Fetterman's shoes, survived

What happened to the guy who vomited on the U.S. Senate candidate’s shoes? Also: Kenney, Scarnati lunch at Union League; Milton talks porn.

John Fetterman can handle the hurl. He got rave reviews from a guy who says he barfed all over the U.S. Senate candidate’s shoes.
John Fetterman can handle the hurl. He got rave reviews from a guy who says he barfed all over the U.S. Senate candidate’s shoes.Read moreAP Photo/Andrew Rush

U.S. SENATE candidate John Fetterman is a tattooed 6-8 behemoth from the Pittsburgh suburbs who looks like the bar bouncer in a drunken nightmare where you wake up in a cold sweat right before his bowling-ball-size fist collides with your face.

But! We can confirm he ain't like that. He won't even punch you in the face if you puke on his shoes.

Meet Jay Kyda, 36, a welder who makes furniture for a living and happened to vomit on Fetterman outside a rave about eight years ago.

Kyda, who lives in Pittsburgh, reminded Fetterman, the mayor of Braddock, Pa., about the incident on the candidate's Facebook page a couple of weeks ago:

"I was half expecting you to kick my ass after I looked up, but you couldn't have been nicer about it. Helped me clean myself up and got me to my friend's car where I slept it off. I didn't know who you were until some friends told me about it later. You got my vote man," Kyda wrote.

Fetterman responded: "Ah, yes. I remember that day [smiley-face emoji here]. Glad to hear you made it home ok. Thanks for the support!"

What a guy.

We tracked down Kyda yesterday. He said he's also voting for Fetterman because he's seen the transformation of Braddock firsthand and figures Fetterman can do the same for Pennsylvania.

"I'm also one of the estimated 24 million people in this country who have a felony charge and basically have been told they don't deserve to participate in society," Kyda wrote in an email, explaining that he got busted for growing personal cannabis for a seizure disorder. "It's about time someone came along with a sensible stance on our failed 'War on Drugs.' "

Clout agrees wholeheartedly. But back to this puking-on-shoes issue.

We can't help but wonder how the other Pennsylvania candidates for U.S. Senate would react.

Like incumbent U.S. Sen. Pat Toomey. What would he do if Kyda puked on his shiny conservative Republican dress shoes while Toomey happened to be walking past the party on his way to the Rotary Club?

And Joe Sestak. The former Navy admiral wears white, Marty McFly-esque vintage Reebok high-tops during downtime. We know for a fact that they already have grass stains, so maybe Sestak wouldn't mind too much.

Wait. Oh no. Katie McGinty. Open-toed shoes? Ewwww.

BTW, can we nominate Clout to moderate the 2016 Senate debates?

Nice move, Jimbo

We hear that Philadelphia mayor-elect Jim Kenney had a little get-to-know-each-other meeting with Republican state Senate Pro Tempore Joe Scarnati last week. Early lunch at the Union League (natch).

So how does a big-city Democrat, Mr. Legalize Weed, bond with a conservative Republican from some town called Brockway (population 2,067) that's 4 1/2 hours away?

Kenney, we're told, began the meeting by saying he'd actually met Scarnati some years ago at a golf outing/fundraiser for the senator in his home district way the eff out in the middle of nowhere.

Well, he didn't say that last part, but you get the idea. The Republicans were impressed. It was a smart, mayoral way for Kenney to open the conversation with a guy on the opposite end of the political spectrum who's also a BFD in Harrisburg.

It's probably not the beginning of a beautiful friendship, but a little personal connection never hurts.

Also, senator: Could you send money for our schools?

Milton vs. 'Evil' Seth

Clout was plenty intrigued when T. Milton Street Sr. promised to hold a news conference in front of the District Attorney's Office yesterday to address - and to show off - some of the pornographic, sexist, racist and homophobic emails that Frank Fina sent and received when he worked for the state Attorney General's Office.

To our dismay, the presser was postponed until Tuesday because of weather-related concerns. But Milton was a good sport and met with a handful of reporters anyway, offering a verbal preview of what's coming.

Street said he plans to send District Attorney Seth Williams a letter, calling for Fina and fellow former state prosecutors E. Marc Costanzo and Patrick Blessington to resign. Both received some of the same emails as Fina. All three prosecutors now work for Williams.

Street said he spent "many, many" hours reviewing the pornographic emails.

"It's easy to look at if you're in the quietness of your own home," he said. "You figure,'Oooh, I didn't know people did that!' "

But Street said he didn't understand how Williams could keep anyone associated with the smutty emails on his staff. Williams in September called for the three prosecutors to undergo sensitivity training.

We still have no idea what this is.

Street also criticized Williams for prosecuting an undercover sting investigation that ensnared a handful of local black politicians, including state Reps. Vanessa Lowery Brown and Louise Bishop.

State Attorney General Kathleen Kane declined to prosecute the case, citing concerns about racial bias in the investigation . . . which was led by Fina.

Williams, Street said, is "ambitiously evil" and secretly hopes to run for state office.

Just imagine what he'll say at the actual presser on Tuesday.

- Staff writers William Bender and David Gambacorta and columnist

John Baer contributed to this report.

On Twitter: @wbender99
