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Christie Wins New Hampshire Newspaper's Nod

Gov. Christie's presidential campaign got a boost Saturday night when the influential New Hampshire Union Leader endorsed him. Christie has staked much of his campaign on a strong showing in New Hampshire, which holds the nation's first primary Feb. 1.

Gov. Christie's presidential campaign got a boost Saturday night when the influential New Hampshire Union Leader endorsed him. Christie has staked much of his campaign on a strong showing in New Hampshire, which holds the nation's first primary Feb. 1.

"Gov. Christie is right for these dangerous times," it said. ". . .But the one reason he may be best-suited to lead during these times is because he tells it like it is and isn't shy about it."

Since the Paris attacks, Christie has highlighted his work as U.S. attorney after the 9/11 attacks and has accused the Obama administration of mishandling the Islamic State threat.

He tweeted Saturday night that he was honored to receive the support and noted Monday would be his 49th day in the state.
