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NOT_FOUND_HEADLINE_Fri Apr 27 17:30:01 EDT 2012

State Rep. Babette Josephs on Friday conceded her loss in Tuesday’s Democratic primary election for the 182nd District seat she held in Center City since 1985. Josephs was defeated by Brian Sims, an attorney active in gay and lesbian issues who served as her campaign treasurer in 2010.

State Rep. Babette Josephs on Friday conceded her loss in Tuesday's Democratic primary election for the 182nd District seat she held in Center City since 1985.

Josephs was defeated by Brian Sims, an attorney active in gay and lesbian issues who served as her campaign treasurer in 2010.

In a statement released by her campaign spokesman, Josephs congratulated Sims and thanked the voters who had elected her to 14 two-year terms and the staff who had worked for her.

"Throughout many difficult, but successful races in my long service, I have consistently said that the voters are always right," Josephs said. "I cannot change my tune now."

Josephs, who was an attorney and community activist when she first won public office in 1984, added that she wants to work with Sims and "will find other ways to contribute to my neighborhood, city, state and nation."

Sims held a 226-vote lead from Tuesday's election. Sims declared victory that night and encouraged his supporters to start their celebration with a round of applause for Josephs' service.

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