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At Guantanamo, the mission is fairness

Terrorism trials are being prepared. And a former detainee camp is on view.

Col. Wendy Kelly, on leave from her post as a federal prosecutor in Philadelphia, has a goal as she prepares for terrorism trials at Guantanamo: Credibility.

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This abandoned prison camp at Gauntanamo is a creepy museum to the U.S. government’s  war on terrorism.

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1. Army Col. Wendy A. Kelly  has been getting the courtroom ready for the trials.

» READ MORE: Watch a slide show

2. Camp X-Ray at Guantanamo Bay.

» READ MORE: Watch the slide show

Trace the events at Guantanamo, from the arrival of the first prisoners in 2002 to arguments before the U.S. Supreme Court this month.

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1. FBI accounts of abuses of detainees.

» READ MORE: Read the .pdf

2. The military’s Joint Task Force Guantanamo has a Web site, with information written and produced by the military.

» READ MORE: Go to the Web site

3. The Pentagon’s Web site on


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4. The Office of Military Commissions - the military tribunals.

» READ MORE: Go to the Web site

5. Read a summary of Office of Military Commissions procedures.

» READ MORE: Read the .pdf

6. Charges against Omar Khadr, one of three detainess who have been charged.

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7. Charges against David Hicks, one of three detainees who have been charged and the only one whose case has been fully adjudicated. He reached a plea bargain and is serving his one-year sentence in his native Australia.

» READ MORE: Read the .pdf

8.  The transcript of the Combatant Status Review Tribunal proceeding of Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the alleged mastermind of the 9/11 attack.

» READ MORE: Read the .pdf

9. A report on the makeup of the Guantanamo detainees from two lawyers who are representing two of the detainees.

» READ MORE: Read the .pdf

Col. Wendy Kelly responds to a question asking what she thinks of Colin   Powell's statement that if he were in charge, he would close Guantanamo. Listen to the audio

Col. Wendy Kelly is asked to talk about the admissibility of evidence obtained by coercive tactics, including torture. Listen to the audio

Excerpts from a presentation to a reporter by U.S. Navy Capt.  Gary Haben, supervisor of the Combatant Status Review Tribunal, an administrative preliminary, pretrial hearing for detainees. The questions are asked by a reporter for German radio, a reporter for a Japanese newspaper and an Inquirer reporter.

» READ MORE: Listen to the audio

Joseph Margulies, detainee lawyer and author of Guantanamo and the Abuse of Presidential Power talks about how the Pentagon keeps changing the process as it goes along. Listen to the audio