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Cover the pumpkins! Weather shifts from sweltering to a frost warning

You finally get to wear your favorite sweaters. Back-to-back cold fronts are coming,.

A perfect reflection of our weather ahead: frost warnings as we inch closer to Halloween.: a Macaroni Penguin and a (fish-themed) pumpkin at the Detroit Zoo.
A perfect reflection of our weather ahead: frost warnings as we inch closer to Halloween.: a Macaroni Penguin and a (fish-themed) pumpkin at the Detroit Zoo.Read moreAP

For runners who still confronted disgustingly humid, sweaty conditions through much of this week, Saturday morning's brisk temps were welcome and long overdue — even amid the rain.

And the forecast is even calling for some frost in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. It's finally feeling like fall, just in time for peak Philly marathon training and to put folks in the Halloween mood.

The National Weather Service in Mount Holly is all over it, suggesting we're late arrivals to the kind of October East Coasters suffer through summer to get to. In fact, Friday presented some of the coldest morning temps in months, according to an NWS tweet.

But frost?

Well, Philadelphians don't have to rush for the down coats just yet. The NWS says that F-word is more for parts of Pennsylvania and New Jersey farther north.

While the temps might finally be more conducive to pumpkin latte and warm apple cider, all is not ideal in these parts in the run-up to the holiday for trick-or-treaters. As our Bethany Ao reported, finding suitable pumpkins for the front porch is tough going this year because of the miserably wet summer we just slogged through — and cursed if we were on vacation at the Shore when those drenching rains happened, which seemed like every other day.

>> READ MORE: It might be tough pick your own pumpkin on a Philly-area farm this year

Weather officials say high pressure will move in from the west Saturday, clearing out the clouds and taming the winds. For places up north, specifically portions of Carbon and Monroe Counties in Pennsylvania, and Sussex in New Jersey, temperatures are expected to dip into the low 30s overnight — thus the frost advisory. Some patchy frost might show up in other parts, too, the NWS says, before the high pressure moves offshore Sunday.

What comes next would make the Great Pumpkin dance: back-to-back cold fronts on Monday and Wednesday assuring us Octoberish high temperatures in the upper 50s to middle 60s.

Staff writer Patricia Madej contributed to this article.