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Letters | Keeping it really filthy

MAYOR NAGIN is just saying what we've all been saying for 10 to 15 years about how filthy dirty the city as a whole is!

MAYOR NAGIN is just saying what we've all been saying for 10 to 15 years about how filthy dirty the city as a whole is!

The mayor and the Neighborhood Transformation Initiative administration want to show only the small sections of success. The problem, unlike most big cities, is that Philadelphia tolerates negligent homeowners and residents. Just look around certain neighborhoods - you'll see abandoned houses, trash-filled lots, piles of trash on curbs, unshoveled walkways.

And there's no enforcement in sight. No one in government to protect the good neighbors!

I applaud Mayor Nagin for an honest observation. He shouldn't have apologized for speaking the truth and keeping it real! Maybe we can get an administration that will deal with residents who refuse to take responsibility and clean and keep up the front of their properties - whether they rent or own.

Philadelphia's services and agencies need a total revamping if we are to have a clean city like Philadelphia used to be, a time when neighbors came outside on Saturdays and proudly swept and washed down the front of their homes, regardless of ownership.

If we continue this way, we'll need a permanent NTI, which has cost this city hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars.

And that's definitely not keeping it real!

Tracey L. Gordon, Block Captain

Philadelphia More Beautiful

Richmond Street from Girard to Cambria in Port Richmond is one of the filthiest stretches of road I've ever seen. Heading north on Richmond, you'll see an incredible amount of litter on the right side of the road.

When you go under the tunnel that stretches from Lehigh to Somerset, you'll find at least one dead pigeon splattered on the road, along with a generous helping of pigeon poop, glass, litter and a wide assortment of auto and appliance parts.

Welcome to Philadelphia, litter capital of the world!

Rocco P. Romagnoli
