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With lawmakers, too much experience can be a problem

I could not disagree more with State Rep. Daylin Leach on term limits ("Term limits: A legislative dumbing-down," April 25). Although I understood the point he was trying to make, when it comes to experience, sometimes having too much can be worse than not having enough.

I could not disagree more with State Rep. Daylin Leach on term limits ("Term limits: A legislative dumbing-down," April 25). Although I understood the point he was trying to make, when it comes to experience, sometimes having too much can be worse than not having enough.

Not a day goes by that I don't read an article or watch the news and learn of a politician or official who has been either indicted or investigated for a crime. People who hold positions for an extended amount of time often find themselves in a position to accept bribes and kickbacks. Complacency in their jobs can offer many temptations, and is sometimes too hard to ignore.

I agree with Leach that people should be able to elect whomever they want. But I also feel that when a person is elected by the people, he or she has an obligation to be honest and not take advantage of his or her position in any way.

I believe that the longer a politician holds a position, the more opportunity exists for such a person to make dishonest decisions. These politicians wind up hurting the people who got them elected. Term limits would help to minimize this trend.

Thomas Anconetani


Focus on the care

As a three-year breast cancer survivor, I took major exception to the article on the new breast cancer hospital in Bucks County ("New hospital to focus on breast cancer," April 18). I am not interested in "$90 pale-teal pajamas" or "$25 textured cotton robes" for mammograms. What I want is the latest up-to-date information from a caring team of doctors, who all meet to discuss my case, with easy access to other specialists when needed.

I want my phone calls returned promptly by my outstanding breast surgeon, who is so easy to talk to. I want mammogram appointments made without problems and the mammograms read immediately. And, if further procedures are needed, I want them done by doctors with whom I have built a trust over the last few years.

I want board-certified radiologists to read my yearly MRI by the people who developed it, such as the University of Pennsylvania. I want oncology nurses like the caring and knowledgeable staff of Pennsylvania Oncology Hematology Associates, who know who I am even though it has been three years since my last chemo treatment.

If I want a spa-like atmosphere, I will go to the Red Door, not the comprehensive Breast Care Institute at DSI of Bucks County.

Barbara G. Ayes
Cherry Hill