Things We Like
What's good out there? What have you read, heard or seen in the last month that really moved or informed you? Books, stories, movies, articles, TV, music, etc.? Send us your suggestions!
What's good out there? What have you read, heard or seen
in the last month
that really moved or informed you? Books, stories, movies, articles, TV, music, etc.? Send us your suggestions!
(See "To Reach Currents," C3; if e-mailing, put "Things We Like" in the subject field.)
Article/essay/speech: "Cyber Career Killers," at AOL Jobs (
careerkillers). Good sense about ways techno-gaffes can hurt you.
Short story: "Hunters in the Snow," by Tobias Wolff ( - he's one of the best now writing.
Book, nonfiction: "The Lost World of James Smithson," by Heather Ewing ( How the Smithsonian Institution came to be - a story well told and too little known.
Book, fiction: "White Teeth," by Zadie Smith (http:// London - and your world - now. Vast, wonderful, playful.
Web site/blog/video game: The Pride of Philadelphia (http:// www.theprideofphiladelphia. com) - I like this Web site because it tells good news about Philadelphia.
Caroline McCracken
(age 13)
Downingtown Middle School
Movie: "Stranger Than Fiction" (
stranger). Funny, profound, sweet.
Short movies: "The Best of Tribeca Shorts," at the New York Magazine Web site ( Wow! Five whole offerings from the Tribeca Film Festival. Recommended: "Vartan LLP," with the magnificent Jay Sanders.
Poem: "As I Ebb'd with the Ocean of Life," by Walt Whitman (
oceanoflife). Camden's finest at his best.
TV: "Notes From the Underbelly" (http:// (ABC). Wondrous dialogue, nut-case characters - a deserving midseason sitcom.
Radio: "Car Talk," on NPR ( Nuggets of info served up among the yucks.
Jim Murphy
Upper Darby
Song/album/musical/opera: "Morning Girl," a 1969 pop tune by Neon Philharmonic. Listen to the violins, arranged by Tupper Saussy (
neonphil) - especially the last 30 seconds.
Paintings: "Mexican Night II" and "Chair," both by Robert Motherwell (http://go.philly. com/motherwell.) He thought his way into 20th-century painting.
Quotation/saying/aphorism: "Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage." - Robert Motherwell