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Letters | Double-dip scam artist?

IAPPLAUD Mayor-elect Nutter for getting a new police commissioner, who has an excellent track record, appointed as quickly as he did.

IAPPLAUD Mayor-elect Nutter for getting a new police commissioner, who has an excellent track record, appointed as quickly as he did.

I'm sure Mr. Nutter and Commissioner-to-be Ramsey will do all they can to rid the city of all the violence. I worked for Family Court for just under 42 years before retiring in 2004.

Criminals today seem to be get a lot of pleasure committing crimes against senior citizens. In July 2006, right before I turned 64, I was the victim of two serious crimes. The first was a scammer who told me he was from Bucks County. He said he was there to repair the roof of my home, which I own but haven't been living in. I presumed a member of my family sent him when he told me where he was from. I ended up giving him $1,400 in cash.

After the third payment, I found out he hadn't been sent by that family member. I then went on a vacation to the shore, and when I came back, the whole house was trashed.

Some items of value were stolen, rings that I'd purchased over the years. The family member who brought me home from the shore and discovered this believes that it was the same scam-artist roofer who burglarized my home.

I went to stay with my family member that evening, and we went to the 39th District police to make a report the next day. I've been residing with this family member ever since. The burglar must have come late in the night when all my neighbors were sleeping, as he got in through a window in my second-floor bedroom.

I am wondering if this scammer might be the same one who is working in Bucks County since I heard that someone is allegedly scamming people in Bucks County.

I believe the police have been unable to find and arrest my home scammer, as I have not been notified regarding this.

Patricia K. Kelly
