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I'M THE wife and mother of two of Philadelphia's finest. I can only hope and pray that I never have to endure what Maureen Faulkner has had to for 26 long years.

I'M THE wife and mother of two of Philadelphia's finest. I can only hope and pray that I never have to endure what Maureen Faulkner has had to for 26 long years.

Sunday night at Geno's Steaks there was a wonderful tribute to the long 26-year fight that she and the family have had to face each and every day.

Now that she has put her life and TRUE facts in print, the media seem to think it is no big deal. A news cameraman was trampling everyone's feet, but they only showed two seconds of footage - and it was more of Mumia protesters from the past. (Who didn't show up - for once, they had enough brains to stay away.)

On Dec. 9, 26 years ago, Mumia started this fight, and the only way to end it is with an injection in his arm. A long, slow injection would be nice, but we will settle for any injection after 26 years. Justice has spoken over and over again.

Donna Giulian, Philadelphia

I'm concerned about the gun situation and may have a solution. When a gun is manufactured, it would be fitted with a tracking device that works like a Lo-Jack for cars.

The chip in the gun would be activated before it leaves the manufacturer. From the manufacturer to the dealers, it's still being tracked. When the gun is sold to a customer, the gun is registered with the tracking device number as well as the gun's number.

By GPS, that gun is being watched at all times. And, if the gun is discharged, the system would know that.

Russell Jacobs Sr., Philadelphia

CEP is succeeding

Re the Nov. 26 op-ed by Debra Weiner on the need for school counselors:

I have been an urban educator (teacher, supervisor, administrator) for more than 30 years, much of it an employee of the Philadelphia School District. After retiring, I worked for CEP for two years during their start-up in Philadelphia.

I saw the success of numerous students who experienced the CEP program and was encouraged that my positive perceptions of CEP's program were supported by the data.

Ms. Weiner's statement that "While almost $30 million goes to for-profit Community Education Partners (CEP), neither CEP nor the district can tell us what percentage of the returning students graduate" shows a limited understanding of the program's purpose.

It is designed to address academic and behavioral deficiencies of low-performing and disruptive students. And it is succeeding at a far greater rate than the previous programs run by the district.

I submit that CEP would be more than willing to share with her the data on student outcomes for which CEP is held accountable.

Charles R. Glean
