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Letters | Gun-control effort's failure is good for Pa.

The recent failure of Gov. Rendell to get gun-control laws passed made me very happy ("Heads in the sand as people die," Dec. 12). The only people his laws would affect would be legal gun owners. The governor's proposed laws would not restrict illegal owners.

The recent failure of Gov. Rendell to get gun-control laws passed made me very happy ("Heads in the sand as people die," Dec. 12). The only people his laws would affect would be legal gun owners. The governor's proposed laws would not restrict illegal owners.

There are enough gun laws in this state; they just need to be enforced.

I am adamantly opposed to a police state. Count the countries in the world that went this way, subjugating the population.

I was a police officer for 19 years. I believe people in the government and antigun nuts would love to see an American population without guns. If it comes to that, can a citizen sue the governments and police departments for failure to protect?

Remember when someone is beating you, trying to get your purse or the keys to your car, and there are no police officers in the area, a guy like me just might help you while others keep their distance.

Alfred H. Garwood


Abolish abortion next

I wonder if the New Jersey legislators who voted to abolish the state's death penalty on moral grounds will direct that same conviction to abolish abortion - another form of a death penalty ("N.J. Legislature approves abolishing death penalty," Dec. 14). If they won't, their votes on the death penalty are hypocritical.

John Miscenich


Credit where due

As someone who just made an infrequent trip on SEPTA's regional rail into Center City, let me clarify the process for getting the credit described in Paul Nussbaum's Dec. 15 article when purchasing an onboard ticket ("SEPTA looks at machines as fee answer"). The conductor provided me with a receipt, not a credit as indicated in the article. It was the same practice as always for onboard ticketing. The only difference was, I knew to ask about this credit (in my case $1.50) thanks to previous Inquirer reporting. (Nowhere on SEPTA's Web site is this credit option mentioned.)

I then had to take this receipt, get in line at the ticket window at Market East, and receive my credit which I applied to my return ticket.

Here's to bringing back the ticket machines!

Susan Henick


Bring on casinos

It is time to give the law of the land a "yea." I am pleased to see the casinos draw near and have the law enforced. I look ahead to the groundbreaking of these two casino sites.

The city, the schools, labor and citizens want this major event as soon as possible.

James J. Gallagher


Care won't change

I work at a local HCR Manor Care facility. My job is to ensure care for our residents every day, whether they need nursing care, therapy, a helping hand, or just someone to talk with. There are many jobs out there that are more glamorous or easier than mine and my staff's, but I take pride in the fact that I have the chance to help people.

The Carlyle Group has made an offer to buy HCR Manor Care that shareholders have approved. While it is only natural to be uncertain when changes are made, it is unreasonable to draw conclusions before they happen. I know that my coworkers, my staff, and I will be committed to caring for our patients no matter who owns the building we work in. However, it has been made clear that our management will stay in place, and that means that we will continue to operate as a top-notch nursing-care facility.

There has been nothing but far-fetched speculation from the Service Employees International Union. I resent the fact that they are telling reporters my staff's work will change after this deal goes through. I know if Carlyle executives wants to make a profit, they will enable us to continue to provide the level of service we have a history of providing.

Jamie Fox


HCR Manor Care-Lansdale
