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I'M JUST CATCHING up with Patty-Pat Kozlowski's op-ed "He Didn't Die Alone at Almond & Schiller," and it was touching.

I'M JUST CATCHING up with Patty-Pat Kozlowski's op-ed

"He Didn't Die Alone at Almond & Schiller,"

and it was touching.

I spent much of my youth on the streets of Kensington, Port Richmond and Fishtown, and she describes the people of the neighborhood very accurately - they really do care about one another.

We held our daughter's communion party at the Pilsudski Club on May 3, and all we could think about was Sgt. Liczbinski and his family - investigators had cordoned off the area surrounding the club to conduct their investigation.

My wife and I sold T-shirts in honor of Sgt. Liczbinski with all the profits going to his family. The sale has been overwhelming.

They are union- and American-made, and that still means something to people. The screen work is done by another Port Richmond family, the Petacchios at JP Tees (best in the business).

Thanks again for the article - it stirred many emotions.

Matt McIntyre, Philadelphia

Step up, superdelegates!

Now is the time for all good Democrats, especially superdelegates Michael Nutter, Allyson Schwartz, Ed Rendell, etc., to come to the aid of the party. Hillary was a tough battler, but her friends should now toss in the towel and help her out of the ring.

Frank McGinty, Jenkintown

Bravo on Rev. Al

Re S.D. Shamburger's letter, "Rev. Al - What's with You?":

I'm so happy that an African-American wrote this. Race relations are a problem that seems to be getting more intense. I've heard it said that if white people think black people commit terrible crimes on them, you should see what they do to their own.

Congratulations, S.D. Shamburger.

I wish you lived in Philadelphia and would run for office.

You'd have my vote.

Elizabeth McDonald, Philadelphia

My house is fine

Re the article that said Eric Floyd's capture took place next door to a deteriorating house.

That's my house.

No one seems to realize that after the back door was fixed, the wood that had been put up against the door entrance - before the fugitive arrived - was left propped up against my door. With trash already back there, why did they add to the situation?

I couldn't get out of my door the next day. I'm 76 years old, and I

feel that description was very much uncalled for.

Ida M. Moore


Union professionalism

My heart goes out to the victims and their families in the latest crane collapse in New York.

It's even more troubling knowing how preventable these accidents were.

Mayor Bloomberg referred to them as "unacceptable." He's right. Fortunately the residents of this city don't have to deal with such incompetence.

The union ironworkers and operating engineers of Philadelphia take tremendous pride in their work, which is obvious in the skill and craftsmanship they display every day.

I hope Mayor Nutter takes this

into consideration before he breaks bread with another non-union contractor.

Jason Henry
