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Letters: Yo, Eagles fans, next year is for the birds

I AM SO JUICED ABOUT next year and the Eagles' chances for Super Bowl glory. Next year it is. As I understand it, the 11th year of a coach/quarterback relationship is when they really start to gel.

I AM SO JUICED ABOUT next year and the Eagles' chances for Super Bowl glory.

Next year it is. As I understand it, the 11th year of a coach/quarterback relationship is when they really start to gel.

I believe it is the 11th year when they master the two-minute drill and become experts in clock management.

I think it is the 11th year of a stable coach/QB tandem when they read each other's minds and act as one unit: They will no longer have to call timeouts in the first series of a half to get a play called; they will no longer have to actually speak to know that if it is 3rd-and-7 they should throw the pass seven yards instead of three; and they will KNOW that if you want to score a touchdown you actually have to throw the ball into the end zone.

Next year. The lucky 11th year. I can't wait.

John McNally, Quakertown