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Letters: . . . But she can be one

LETTER-writer Hannibal Casanova seems to believe you can only be labeled a "racist" if you belong to a majority group. And for those not in a majority group, the worst you can be called is prejudiced or hateful or biased, implying that these labels somehow describe you as less hurtful and hate-filled than a racist.

LETTER-writer Hannibal Casanova seems to believe you can only be labeled a "racist" if you belong to a majority group. And for those not in a majority group, the worst you can be called is prejudiced or hateful or biased, implying that these labels somehow describe you as less hurtful and hate-filled than a racist.

I've heard this argument used before by those with an agenda, so I looked up "racist" in Webster's and other references to get some insight. Not a single definition limited the term to those in the majority or those with any real or perceived "power to inflict suffering on any other group," as Casanova puts it.

I did find that every definition used terms like "biased" or "bigoted" or "prejudiced" - the very same terms Casanova says can be applied to those in a minority group. So by definition, sir, all terms and, therefore, all groups are equal and nobody in any group is exempt from being labeled a racist.

And concerning Judge Sotomayor, by your definition that includes the "power" theme, she as a judge certainly possesses such power right now and, therefore, depending on her views, she may or may not be properly labeled a racist.

Truth is, I don't know if she is or isn't a racist, but I do know that she, like all humans, isn't exempt from being properly labeled as one just because she's Latina.

Racism from anyone in any group is despicable, and I'm sorry to say that your not-so-subtly biased message has likely labeled you as such in many readers' minds. Here's hoping today finds you in a better frame of mind with respect to that.

Mark Miller, Marshallton, Del.

I respect Jim Taylor's opinion of the Kensington situation, until he threw the race card in. The cops weren't the ones who found this coward and beat him up. If this happened in any neighborhood, people would've understood the emotion, regardless of race.

Andrew Steward, Philadelphia