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Letters: Phony-flier culprit 'could' face charges?

THE Daily News reported that fliers with the name, photo and address of 24-year-old Triz Jefferies were recently distributed throughout Kensington and on Facebook identifying him as a suspect in the recent stranglings of several women. According to the article, Jefferies needed a police escort from his home to the Special Victims Unit for personal safety.


Daily News

reported that fliers with the name, photo and address of 24-year-old Triz Jefferies were recently distributed throughout Kensington and on Facebook identifying him as a suspect in the recent stranglings of several women. According to the article, Jefferies needed a police escort from his home to the Special Victims Unit for personal safety.

According to police, "the person or people who maliciously distributed his photo and name could face charges if caught." Could face charges? So, there's a possibility that they won't face charges? What are the police going to do, flip a coin?

The laws of morality suggest that the Philadelphia Police Department pursue the person or persons responsible for this very sadistic act and bring them to justice. And for the police to even suggest the possibility that they won't charge those responsible was a slap in the face to Jefferies!

Rob Boyden, Drexel Hill, Pa.

nolead begins

Well-armed Phillies

In response to William Palmer's comments on Phillies hitting: I don't think anyone is forgetting the offensive part of the game. But even if they were, with the "Four Aces of the Apocalypse" on the mound, they won't have to score as many runs to win those games. The 2010 season didn't produce the amount of home runs that we've all become accustomed to, but they did get a very respectable amount of runs the old-fashioned way. Faith, brother, have some faith.

John Meehan, Collegeville, Pa.

nolead begins

The merits of profiling

What's wrong with


in our country? The Constitution is like a treaty. It has to change with the times. It is working in Israel. You notice that the Israelis do not have a problem with terrorists who like to fly because they use profiling. It is less expensive on the taxpayer and it works better than those see-through machines that give the TSA lots of thrills.

John Stuhr, Philadelphia

nolead begins

Humans vs. animals

Re Mark Anthony Vare's letter: Mark, let me tell you what I like. I love human beings first, animals second. You must live a dull life, because you are a dumb letter writer. You may need Mike Vick one day to give you the right guidance and inspiration to live a good life.

Animal lovers, where are you?

They passed a law to give animal killers the right to kill black bears and deer. I know that some of you animal lovers feel it's all right to kill black bears because they can kill humans. What about some of your vicious dogs that are capable of killing humans? Someone asked me if I ever went hunting, and my reply was that I went hunting every week at the supermarket. Come on, animal lovers, let me hear you make some noise over killing bears, deer, rabbits and any other defenseless animals. Or are you too busy stuffing your face with turkey that was slaughtered?

James Webb Sr., Philadelphia