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Letters: Taking issue with the Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams

RE "For the Record, This isn't Justice" (May 12): I applaud Stu Bykofsky not only for his insightful columns, but for doing D.A. Seth Williams' job by seeking the "justice" that Williams denies Marcus Perez, the 40-year-old Graterford lifer who suffered a one-word transcript change that helped


"For the Record, This isn't Justice"


May 12


I applaud Stu Bykofsky not only for his insightful columns, but for doing D.A. Seth Williams' job by seeking the "justice" that Williams denies Marcus Perez, the 40-year-old Graterford lifer who suffered a one-word transcript change that helped torpedo his appeals, despite the recollection and word of Judge Theodore McKee, now chief judge of the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. If McKee has no credibility, then the concept of credibility doesn't exist!

Williams ran on a platform of transparency, justice and change, but it's the same old baloney.

A perfect example is his refusal to pursue criminal charges against former police Sgt. Robert Ralston. Ralston shot himself in the shoulder last April and allegedly lied to investigators, telling them that a black man with cornrow braids did it. Ralston was fired by the Police Department, but charges were never filed because Ralston's statement cannot be used against him in court. Moreover, Williams is quoted as saying, "Other than his statement, no 'sufficient' evidence exists to charge him with false reports or any other crimes."

Really! What about all the physical evidence such as the residue from the shot that was fired, a bullet lodged in his shoulder matching those loaded in his gun and suspicious circumstances around why the gun was fired, among other things? Isn't that "sufficient" enough to let a jury decide?

Another example of Williams' sense of "justice" was permitting Maureen Faulkner to decide whether or not to pursue the death sentence against Mumia Abu-Jamal. I can think of no plausible scenario that would result in the execution of Abu-Jamal, however deserved it may be, unless he abdicates any further appeals - which is not likely.

Mr. Williams, you have not only lost my future vote, you have lost my respect.

Albert Whitehead
