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Letters: There is a legal path to citizenship

RE "Thank you, America" (May 19): What a cool letter! So now where's the parade? Or the crazy hootin' and hollerin' and oversympathetic news coverage for this immigration story?


"Thank you, America"

(May 19): What a cool letter!

So now where's the parade? Or the crazy hootin' and hollerin' and oversympathetic news coverage for this immigration story?

Going by what was written, Yantian Poquie left a country in turmoil, came to the U.S., then sought out and followed the proper path to citizenship. Yes, all you nay-saying bleeding hearts, it's true - you can actually legally immigrate and become a citizen honorably.

Congratulations, Yantian, and thank you for not cutting the line, not gaming the system, and not crying for - or demanding, as is the norm nowadays - special treatment because you lived through some sad, sad tale of woe. (Hello, excuse-laden illegals, are you listening to this?)

Yantian, you saw in America an opportunity for a better life, and even though citizenship surely didn't come easy - you had to actually work for it - you chose to forge ahead with your head held high, in broad daylight.

You persisted with dignity as Yantian Poquie, not as some nameless, shamefully incognito lawbreaking fraud, slinking through life in constant fear of being exposed and deported. From the story you tell, you are another fine example of how the path to legal citizenship is both accessible and dignified - if you just set your mind to doing it right.

You honored yourself, your family and now the country that you chose to make your own. You are a bright light of promise, and I personally welcome you as a citizen. So now, I've got my lawn chair and American flag in hand . . . where's Yantian's parade?

Mark Miller, Marshallton, Del.

nolead begins

Medicare blathering

It gets more and more frustrating to read letters from people who take no time to investigate anything they write. Time and time again, people talk about all the tax cuts that George W. Bush gave to the super-rich. This despite the fact that according to every piece of data from both the IRS and the Treasury Department, the Bush tax policies, while cutting the tax rates, saw the tax revenues from the higher-income earners soar. In fact, the revenue received from high-income earners grew at a smaller percentage than the increase in tax revenue that they paid.

Now we turn to letter-writer Jim Saldutti, who wrote that the Republicans "have called on me to do my part to reduce the country's debt," as he is 64 years old and approaching the age where he will be relying on Medicare.

The fact of the matter is that Paul Ryan's plan for Medicare, which saves it from insolvency, does not affect Mr. Saldutti. The fact of the matter is that the Republican's plan does not affect anyone over the age of 55 with respect to the proposed Medicare changes.

The fact of the matter is that

Ryan's plan repeals Obamacare, and restores the $500 billion-plus

in cuts to Medicare that the Democrats and President Obama made with this insane law. So I'm having a difficult time seeing how Mr. Saldutti is being called on to help reduce the country's debt through changes in Medicare.

Todd S. Cohen
