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Stalling on roads

The Legislature’s inability to tackle the sorry state of our roads and bridges was made simple by Auditor General Jack Wagner, who released a statement earlier this month claiming that Pennsylvania motorists are 10 times more likely to pass a structurally deficient bridge than a McDonald’s. The state’s bridges are the worst in the nation, and our roads are the 18th-worst. Wagner wants the General Assembly to stop delaying and pass a comprehensive transportation and infrastructure bill.

The Legislature's inability to tackle the sorry state of our roads and bridges was made simple by Auditor General Jack Wagner, who released a statement earlier this month claiming that Pennsylvania motorists are 10 times more likely to pass a structurally deficient bridge than a McDonald's.

The state's bridges are the worst in the nation, and our roads are the 18th-worst. Wagner wants the General Assembly to stop delaying and pass a comprehensive transportation and infrastructure bill.

Both the Legislature and Congress seem loathe to tackle this: Congress just passed a stopgap transportation bill rather than a broader measure; it's the ninth extension since the last bill expired in 2009.

Addressing this issue could also be a big job creator. It's time for state and federal lawmakers to stop stalling. n