Letters to the Editor
Voter-ID law shortsighted It’s hard to fathom the shortsightedness the Pennsylvania legislature displayed in enacting the voter-ID law (“New voter-ID law gets a ‘soft rollout,’” Wednesday). There doesn’t seem to have been any analysis of the problems this law would create. Was there any thought about how absentee voters (e.g., shut-ins, out-of-state students, travelers, hospitalized, and military) would meet the identification requirement?
Voter-ID law shortsighted
It's hard to fathom the shortsightedness the Pennsylvania legislature displayed in enacting the voter-ID law ("New voter-ID law gets a 'soft rollout,'" Wednesday). There doesn't seem to have been any analysis of the problems this law would create. Was there any thought about how absentee voters (e.g., shut-ins, out-of-state students, travelers, hospitalized, and military) would meet the identification requirement?
Primary turnout is small compared with presidential elections. Thus, testing the law on primary voters will not settle anything because it affects only a fraction of those who will turn out in November. Then how many will be turned away?
Imagine the time required for each voter to produce ID, hand it over, and have it read and verified. Even 30 seconds or less per voter will extend the polling process considerably. Have the legislators forgotten the waits voters endured in the last presidential election?
Herb Whelan, Ocean City, cycho@comcast.net
Photo ID requests just part of life
Tuesday morning I went to vote, and presented my photo ID. I then went to the UPS store and there was a sign on the cash register informing me a photo ID was required to ship any package from that facility. When I wrote a check at the local grocery store, I was asked for my photo ID. Often when using a credit card, I am asked for photo ID. I recently made an appointment for an outpatient medical procedure and was told I must bring my insurance card — and a photo ID.
Calling voter ID a "voter suppression law" is nonsense. Using a photo ID is part of everyday life, something we are all subject to on a regular basis.
George R. Kawchak Jr., Phoenixville
Setting up roadblocks to voting
Tuesday morning I went to vote in Montgomery County, a civic duty I have performed for more than 40 years. When I got inside the polling facility — a middle-school gym — I was asked to show identification. I questioned this and was told it is a new law, compliments of Gov. Corbett. I asked why the new law was needed. I was told it was because of voter fraud. Where? In the city.
While we should be encouraging more people to vote for those who hold so much power over their lives, we do the opposite. We set up roadblocks. All because of politics. What happened to the common good?
Jim Gauger, Glenside
A fun day at the polls
I never had so much fun voting in a Pennsylvania primary. I asked every poll worker there for his or her ID. They were completely unprepared for this and it caused quite a commotion. Or, rather, I caused the commotion. The line for voting got longer and longer and their nerves got shorter and shorter. When they finally asked for my ID, I said, "Sorry, it's not required at this election."
They asked what was I going to do in November, and I said, "Wait and see."
I can't wait.
Neil Braun, Ridley Park
Boehner's contributions to U.S.
I do not understand why the Union League awarded John Boehner the Lincoln Award for his contributions to the United States ("Union League honors House Speaker John Boehner," Saturday). This man said no to most of the legislation sent to him and then complained that nothing was getting done. President Obama will compromise; Boehner will not. Isn't he suppose to be making our bridges safer, and improving education, housing, and health care? Instead, he contributes to the gridlock in Washington.
Fay Gregg, Newtown Square
Keep student-loan discount
Now that the discount on student loans is about to expire, why aren't Republicans and tea-partyers whining about the forthcoming expiration of the discount on student loans? It's OK to burden our future entrepreneurs, scientists, and medical professionals, but not let the Bush tax cuts expire? Heaven forbid we make the wealthy sacrifice.
Michael Miller Jr., Philadelphia