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Letters: What happened to Sen. Toomey's backbone?

Senator Backbone? Seems ironic that Sen. Pat Toomey, the man who touted having "backbone" as a requirement of life in politics, showed a remarkable lack of one in the endorsement of the presidential candidate. He repeatedly refused to show support for either candidate until the polls showed a trend toward Donald Trump and then voted for him shortly before the close of voting. Some backbone!

Senator Backbone?

Seems ironic that Sen. Pat Toomey, the man who touted having "backbone" as a requirement of life in politics, showed a remarkable lack of one in the endorsement of the presidential candidate. He repeatedly refused to show support for either candidate until the polls showed a trend toward Donald Trump and then voted for him shortly before the close of voting. Some backbone!

|Sheila Willemin, Jenkintown

Many unanswered questions

What I'm wondering about is: The many stories of voter manipulation. What about Trump's dropped trial for allegedly raping an underage girl? What about his bankruptcies and the fraud suits connected with Trump University? What about Trump's using Chinese steel in his buildings? What about his bragging about groping women? And the incessant lying?

What about Trump's claim that "I know more about ISIS than the generals. Believe me!" And what about the generals that have vowed to quit if he's elected? Not a word in the TV media.

"Crooked Hillary?" Really? Where's the evidence? And then there's the millions of dollars' worth of free advertising the media gave Trump during the last year. And he says the media are against him? Now we're supposed to forget all that and honor our new president as if none of that ever existed?

The media must think Americans are idiots. Well maybe half of us are.

|K.B. Kofoed, Drexel Hill

Open and fair elections

This election season has left many voters stunned, angry, apathetic, or jaded about our electoral system and how officials are chosen for public office. Now is not the time for tears, recrimination, and division. We can all work together, starting now, to fight for a more open and fair electoral system. Independent Pennsylvanians, a volunteer grassroots group in our state, has been working and continues to work for more open elections, fair redistricting, fair ballot access, and other electoral reforms. Join us. Now is the time.

|Barbara Patrizzi, Philadelphia, member of Independent Pennsylvanians,

A Jersey girl to the rescue

Why did Donald Trump win? The list is long, but I will cast my vote for Kellyanne Conway. The day Trump brought her onboard as his campaign manager was the seminal point in his run to the presidency. She brought an aura of professionalism that was missing up to that point. A South Jersey girl, excuse me, woman, who now runs with the big dogs. Well done, Kellyanne!

|Andrew J. Anderson, Glassboro,

Waiting for Godot

Now that the election is over, what will President-elect Trump do first? Will he release his tax returns or file suit against all the women who accused him of inappropriate behavior.

|John Willemin, Jenkintown,

Goodbye, political TV ads

I've never been so happy to hear the familiar hum of TV commercials for heart medication, insurance, and cars. It's so civil and oddly soothing.

|Stefan Keller, Huntingdon Valley

The pundits blew it

Let's face it: The pundits were entirely wrong throughout this election season. Another example would be Trudy Rubin's column "No checks, balances for Trump" (Thursday). As a sometimes Democrat, Donald Trump will likely be the check on the Republican Party that is now more than happy to hand out more tax cuts, while facing a $20 trillion public debt. The first thing Trump should do is endorse the selection of Merrick Garland for the Supreme Court and let the healing begin.

|Roy Lehman, Woolwich Township