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Jawnts: The holidays with history

Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah, Philadelphia! It's a pretty important time - one to spend in the loving embrace of your friends and family. And, yes, we love them, but let's face the brutal truth together: Sometimes sitting around and talking with people, even family, can get awkward once you're out of things to say.

John Godzieba as George Washington during a reenactment of Washington crossing the Delaware.
John Godzieba as George Washington during a reenactment of Washington crossing the Delaware.Read more(AP File Photo)

Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah, Philadelphia! It's a pretty important time - one to spend in the loving embrace of your friends and family. And, yes, we love them, but let's face the brutal truth together: Sometimes sitting around and talking with people, even family, can get awkward once you're out of things to say.

But don't worry. There are ways to break up the long weekend without resorting to sitting in your living room watching TV.

First, and probably the most exciting, is the reenactment of Washington crossing the Delaware. About 40 minutes north of Philadelphia is Washington Crossing Historic Park. From noon to 3 p.m. on Christmas Day, some delightful volunteers will dress in period clothing, clamber into replica Durham boats, and cross the Delaware River old-school style. You and hundreds of others can line the river and cheer on George and his army as they cross the Delaware. It's a great family event, as you can either join in the discussion of a part of history we can all get behind - America kicking British butt - or, when appropriate, tell them to "shh" because you're "paying attention." For more information, visit

If reenactments aren't your scene, how about a museum? The National Museum of American Jewish History is open Sunday, with a program called "Being (blank) at Christmas" - you fill in the blank with your own descriptor, like "Generous" or "Buddhist" or "Sick of My Family." and join the museum for its annual day of festivities. There will be live music, hands-on fun from the Clay Studio, storytime, and - kids of the '90s, rejoice! - a showing of holiday episodes from the Rugrats. Who needs the Bible when you can have cartoon babies reenact the stories for you? For more information, visit

And if culturally significant experiences are not enough to get your family out of the house on Christmas Day, there are always movies. I, for one, will be watching Rogue One with my dad, though I can also highly recommend Arrival.

There is much to enjoy this weekend, Philadelphia. Happy holidays.